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Flea is a general name given to around 1,600 wingless, small, blood-sucking insect species that make up the Siphonaptera order.


Spreading from tropical, subtropical and temperate regions to polar regions, these insects can cling to the skin of mammals and birds, suck their blood, and transmit extremely dangerous diseases while moving between their hosts, thanks to their specialized body structures. The cheetah flea (Xenopsylla cheopis), which plays a leading role in the transmission of the plague to humans, and its relatives are responsible for the death of about a quarter of the European population in the Middle Ages. Fleas are external parasites. They survive by sucking the blood of mammals and birds. Their lengths vary from 1.5 millimeters to 3.3 millimeters. They are generally dark colored creatures that can move quickly. They are usually found in dogs, cats, humans, rabbits and poultry, and the secretion they use to numb the places they bite causes itching. In case of an allergic reaction, rashes occur on the skin. When the bacteria they carry, Yersinia pestis, infect people, deadly bubonic plague may occur. Thanks to its specially designed feet, it has the fastest acceleration known in the universe so far. It is about 40 times faster than a ground-launched space rocket with a weight-to-speed ratio. That's why fleas appear in different places instantly as if they were irradiated. The speed of the flea is 2m/s per second, 7km/h per hour.


Fleas are the creatures that jump the furthest according to their size.


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