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Spider, arachnids (Arthropoda) branch spiders (general name given to members of Araneae from Arachida class. It lives almost all over the world. According to 2012 figures, 43,244 species are known, collected in 112 families and 3879 sinds.


The head and breasts of spiders are fused. Their bellies are connected to the chest by a thin waist (pedicel). No other animal of the same size has such a thin waist. The digestive tract, blood vessels, trachea and nervous system pass through it. Spiders range in size from a few cm to 35 cm. It has two venom hooks (chelicerae) and two sense feet (pedipalps) in front of its mouth. On their chests, they have four developed pairs of walking legs; the ends of the legs end with two toothed hooks like a comb. Thanks to these, the spider wanders easily on the web. Some may walk forward, backward and sideways. Most of them have 3 or 4 pairs of osel (simple) eyes on the head. The arrangement of the eyes is an important feature in classification. The rounded abdomen is soft and flexible, with breathing holes, silk glands, anus and genitals in the lower part.


Spiders have adapted to many ecosystems of the world, thus becoming a group living in very different ecosystems. It is possible to come across spiders in different habitats, from Everest hills to deep pits of canyons, streams or lakes. All spiders are carnivores. While some hunt and roam free, others live dependent on the web they have spun.

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